Top 10 Spirit-Lifting Female Empowerment Songs

Music has the power to make us cry, laugh, and peek into a world that we didn’t previously know existed. The best songs, however, lift us up. Women have placed their feet firmly in the music industry, and each artist has her own story to tell. Just because you’re famous, doesn’t mean you don’t have troubles. In fact, singers and songwriters have often had the hardest journey, climbing their way to the top of that musical mountain. With that said, let’s explore our favorite female empowerment songs, so you, too, can lift yourself up and conquer your own mountain.

1.  Fighter (2002)


Christina Aguilera’s powerful voice resonates with every woman who understands the struggle to get up and fight. An instant favorite at the time of its release, Fighter reveals the grit and “scrappiness” that Christina is capable of. Its steady beat makes you want to beat your own war drums while you take the world by storm.

2.  Roar (2013)

We can’t get enough of the “fighter” mentality with these songs. Katy Perry delivers her own version of empowerment with this eccentric performance and sassy lyrics. Remember, don’t ever forget that you “have a choice.” With that said, roar at your enemies and purr for your comrades.

3.  9 to 5 (1980)


Oh, Dolly Parton, how we love you. Parton’s 9 to 5 empowers women everywhere to follow their dreams, regardless of the constraints that society places on them. If you’re in a traditional 9-5 job, and you’re unhappy, just listen to these lyrics. “Well you got dreams and you know they matter.”

4.  Express Yourself (1989)

Madonna is an icon for women empowerment. She’s reinvented herself over the course of her career more times than we can count. She’s never afraid to try new things and put herself first. Take her advice and realize that “second best is never enough.” Whether that be in a romantic relationship or during an inner battle with your own self-worth.

5.  Confident (2015)


You can’t ignore this powerful beat and equally moving lyrics from Demi Lovato. You’ll want to don your war paint and step out onto the battlefield. This song fights against the ideology that confident women are “too much,” which is all too accurate when it comes to modern society. However, change happens one rebel at a time.

6.  Independent Women Part 1 (2003)

In a culture that has only recently “allowed” women the opportunity to earn their own wages, this song demonstrates just how powerful an independent woman can be. We can’t forget the sacrifices that women have made over the years, all so that we can take care of ourselves and our families without the need for a man to do it for us. As Destiny’s Child attests, this is something that we should all cherish and protect.

7.  Woman (2017)


Kesha sings it right. “I don’t need a man to be holding me too tight.” Often, women value their worth on their ability to catch and hold onto a man. Well, love will be love, but it shouldn’t be the only thing a woman should worry about. This song shouts that women should learn to have fun on their own.

8.  You Don’t Own Me (1963)

The seductive sound and blunt lyrics has created one of the best empowerment songs out there. Lesley Gore sings that relationships are a two-way street. Respect must be shared between both people. In her immortalizing words, “Don’t tell me what to do, don’t tell me what to say.” Sadly, this is still a hard trait to find when searching for love.

9.  Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) (2012)

Men are taught to be strong, move on from traumatic events, and even hide their emotions (which is a problem in itself), but women are not afforded the same “strong” mentality. It’s expected for women to fall apart, but as Kelly Clarkson says, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” All women should learn to be strong, just as men should learn that it’s okay to show their vulnerable side.

10.  Girl On Fire (2012)


We’ve all been alone at some point in our lives. During our soul-searching journey, we should all take Alicia Keys’ words to heart. “This girl is on fire.” With heart-wrenching emotion behind the words, women everywhere can relate to that sense of budding will and self-worth that comes from within when we hear the artist’s burning voice.

Are you ready to take on the world? We certainly are! The beats and lyrics that these songs provide, invoke powerful emotions in everyone. However, women who have struggled with confidence can appreciate these songs a little bit more than the average Josephine. Just as each person walks in different shoes, women have their own battles. However, with artists like these to connect with, you don’t have to feel alone on the journey. Now, go out and spread your own kind of inspiration throughout the world.

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