Funny Avatar: The Last Airbender Memes That Aren’t Just For Fans

It do be like that

Since we love Avatar: The Last Airbender so much, it’s only fair that we’ll be able to laugh with them and at them. This is a celebration of everything ATLA, with the best jokes and memes gatherers from all across the internet, that are sure to make fans laugh and love Aang and the gang even more.

It do be like that

Come on Zuko, have a little bit of fun, ease up a little bit – you don’t have to stand around skulking and brooding all day. Seriously, Zuko, we mean it, even after joining Team Avatar he seemed on edge, and couldn’t really fit in.

It do be like that

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he’d been hunting them down for the past few years, but we doubt it. Why would they even hold that against him?

Futile efforts

We all know the feeling when we’re playing a new video game, and we run into this boss that we just can’t seem to beat. We try and try and try, but somehow we just never seem to be able to crack him.

Futile efforts

His power levels are just too high, and all we can do is fantasize about playing as him. But then, we finally unlock him, and suddenly he’s just not as powerful as he was when we fought him.

It could go either way

We’re obviously very much torn on the idea of Netflix remaking The Last Airbender as a live-action series. On the one hand, it could really be great and give us a new spin on the story.

It could go either way

But with the news that the original show’s creators have left the project, we really started getting worried that we have another dud on our hands. Guess we’re in wait-and-see mode, but we’ll hope for the best.

True fans

You know the feeling when you found a show first, and you’re the original fan, but then all of a sudden you have to share your love for the show with so many other people who feel like they can love the show as much as you do?

True fans

Well, that’s what happened with the Last Airbender when it hit Netflix, and it hasn’t been the same since. The bandwagoners will never be true fans like the OGs.

Pick a side

Sometimes we forget, among all of the adult themes and heavy philosophical topics, that at the heart of it, Avatar: The Last Airbender is a show for kids.

Pick a side

Yes, adults can watch it, but you have to remember that it is a Nickelodeon show after all, so no matter how hard you try, you just can’t ignore all of the kid moments going on in it. We think it’s endearing and can take the good with the bad.

Excuse us, Zuko?

As much as we’ve loved Zuko’s character arc and transformation, from a lost soul bent on revenge and acceptance, to a man who made up with his past, ready to make up for his mistakes, we can’t deny that he’s only the second-best part of his own journey.

Excuse us, Zuko?

Uncle Iroh was by far the best character on the show, and Zuko forgetting about the role he played in his life is just disrespectful and untrue.

The real master

We all know that behind every good Avatar is his far more talented sidekick, who also has a whole bunch of jokes and one-liners, and has mastered every known form of strategy and fighting, in order to help the Avatar keep the balance between all of the elements.

The real master

Well, Sokka isn’t quite that, but he does have a cool boomerang. Also, he isn’t too shabby with a sword and the odd make-up session to save the day.

Efficient Storytelling

If we’ve ever needed a scientific reason to know why Avatar: The Last Airbender is such a good show, we need not look further than the Legend of Korra to see that what Korra took 5 different characters to tell, The Last Airbender accomplished using only Sokka.

Efficient Storytelling

It speaks to just how good a character Sokka really is, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. So thank you for being the best Sokka, we love you and your boomerang.

War? What war?

Let’s be real for a second – there is no, and there never was any war in Ba Sing Se. This peaceful and prosperous city is not in the midst of any disturbance of the peace, and there is absolutely no cover-up.

War? What war?

We’re telling you, there’s nothing to see here, why don’t you look over there at the giant space lasers being built, what are those things about, and who’s behind those? Maybe we should be looking at the people who really run things instead of making up wars.

My mom died

My mom died, and it’s sad, but I don’t bring it up in every single conversation, now do I? Well, I’m bringing it up here because it’s relevant to the meme and all, but that’s only to prove a point.

My mom died

What I do is make movies in order to deal with the loss, not just dump my troubles on any random person during random times. Seriously, that would just make everybody sick of dealing with me.

Definitely legal

Imagine being Momo, just chilling in this huge abandoned air temple, when all of a sudden this random group of people just shows up and a kid with arrows all over him just abducts you against your will.

Definitely legal

That’s a pretty terrifying thought if you ask us, and now we can’t help but feel really sorry for everything Momo had to go through against his will with team Avatar. Why did nobody ever raise this issue before?

Darn it, M. Night

So, is it just us, or does this confirm that M. Night Shyamalan is a member of the infamous Fire Nation? We mean, that’s the only explanation we can find for how the live-action Last Airbender movie sucked so much.

Darn it, M. Night

The source material was so good, that only a truly incompetent person could mess it up as bad as M. Night did, so either he really is the worst director of all time, or he was out to destroy Aang.

Take that, Game of Thrones

Some shows know exactly when to end, and when they do, they go out on such a perfect note that they stand the test of time and are still relevant so many years later. The Finale of Game of Thrones was not that, to say the least.

Take that, Game of Thrones

It was so bad, so mere days after the show ended, nobody wanted to talk about it anymore, and it left no impact on anybody whatsoever, that’s how bad it was.

Ahead of their time

Toph is out there playing chess, while we’re all out here playing checkers. She knows that there’s nobody kissable on team Avatar, but Suki, the Kiyoshi Warrior, is one heck of a kisser, so she went out and kissed her and just played it off as an accident.

Ahead of their time

We see your game Toph, and we love it. But it does make us wonder if she had Suki question some things because we sure would have.

Hot babes

Hahaha, get it? Because of lesbians! Hahaha very funny we’re so immature and totally not degrading. Just when a mainstream show puts forward a good representation of a non-straight character, the internet has to laugh at it so things wouldn’t feel too real.

Hot babes

And society doesn’t have to face the injustices that it inflicts on non-hetero-normative people. Seriously, props to the Legend of Korra for braving into the dangerous waters, and doing so as a kids’ show, it really took some guts.

Error 404

This might not be exactly how these powers work, but we’re sure Bill Gates was thinking exactly of pressure points and energy when he came up with Windows.

Error 404

In all seriousness though, this power is kind of underrated, and if you think about it, this is all Aang had to know in order to beat the Fire Lord in the end. So instead of messing around, why didn’t he just study pressure points, to begin with???

Dancing on graves

Lat’s give it up for Sokka, the ladies’ man who managed to date both the ultimate warrior and the freaking moon. Obviously, we’re pretty okay that he ended up with Suki in the end.

Dancing on graves

But we can’t help wonder what could have happened if he stayed with the water princess and never had the chance to get together with Suki. We think we would have lost out on one of the best dynamics of the show.

One role to fit them all

We know that Scarlett Johansson is a talented actress, but now that we see this fan casting, we really want her to pull a James McAvoy on us and just play all of the parts in the next Avatar: The Last Airbender movie adaptation.

One role to fit them all

We’re sure that it will automatically be better than the garbage one that we already have, so we really don’t know why Hollywood hasn’t pulled the trigger on this idea yet.

Honest titles

Now that we think about it, Aang and Captain America sure do have a lot more in common than we thought. Think about it: They’re both men out of time, frozen in ice for a hundred years in the height of a war.

Honest titles

When they come out they’re called on to save the new world that they find themselves in. the two will always try to save as many lives as they can, and not risk harming even the worst of people if they think that they can find a peaceful solution.

Dropping truth bombs

First off, we gotta say that if a blind little 12-year-old girl beat the heck out of us, we would gladly share the story because nobody would believe us anyway. But this meme here is spitting straight facts.

Dropping truth bombs

Team Avatar’s enemies don’t want to admit that they got their behinds handed to them on a silver platter by Toph, so they cast a big buff guy to play her and swallow their pride that way.

Mad like Aristotle

Avatar is not so sneakily a very profound show, that can teach kids the basics of philosophy in a fun and entertaining way. When we showed up to class and started studying different traditions we felt right in our element since we learned so much from The Last Airbender already.

Mad like Aristotle

It’s a lot like Percy Jackson did for Greek mythology, only for the basics of eastern medicine. You can thank the show for saving you a visit to a monastery.

Afterschool special

I know one thing for sure. When I get married and have kids, I’ll make sure that I do two things with them. First, when I teach them how to read, I’ll read Harry Potter with them, so they can grow up with the iconic book series.

Afterschool special

Then, when it’s time for our afterschool series, I’ll watch Avatar: The Last Airbender with them, so they can share my experience as a kid, while also enjoying one of the best tv shows ever created.

The best Iroh

Nothing more to add here other than the obligatory “Uncle Iroh is the best character in Avatar: The Last Airbender”, but you already know that, so we’re really just stating the obvious at this point, no?

The best Iroh

Now, if we could please arrange for Netflix to make a standalone uncle Iroh spinoff show, maybe set during his earlier years, that would be great, and it would be a hit for sure. Thanks in advance Netflix, we owe you one.

Ouch, that burns

Damn Iroh, you got two birds with one stone there, it’s the rare double burn that only a White Lotus is capable of, and we know now to never get into an insult competition with Iroh anytime soon.

Ouch, that burns

Poor Zuko though, having to be with his Uncle this whole time, never being able to one-up him or get a clever comeback at the right moment. We can totally understand why it took Zuko so long to accept his wise uncle.

Dammit Zuko

If we had the wisest man on the planet as our personal mentor and life guide, you can be sure that we would have been listening to every word that came out of that man’s mouth.

Dammit Zuko

But Zuko, our bright young fellow here, thought for a long time that his uncle is nothing more than a blubbering buffoon, and didn’t realize just how smart he was until it was too late. Oh well, at least he tried.

Best buds

Zuko and Sokka really should just get a spin-off show together, they honestly have pretty good chemistry and work really well off of each other. It would be a very cool kind of buddy cop kind of series.

Best buds

We think that they could totally pull it off just the two of them, getting into all kinds of shenanigans together all around the four nations. So what are you waiting for Netflix, just do it already.

The perfect Zoom doesn’t exis-

Okay, this mad lad right here deserves the award for the most creative zoom background of all time. First off, it’s just plain hilarious, because it just is. But there are also deeper layers to this joke.

The perfect Zoom doesn’t exis-

By using this background he’s comparing the school system to the fire nation, which just brainwashes their kids into believing the dominant ideology. This is actually a silent protest in favor of a more liberal school system that won’t brainwash people.

The real villains

Even though The Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra are shows made for kids, we don’t really think that they belong on Nickelodeon. They really should be more on an Adult Swim, so they can really delve into more adult themes and concepts, without the need to be kid-friendly.

The real villains

It got so bad in Legend of Korra that we really started turning on Nickelodeon there for ruining a perfectly good Avatar show that had potential.

We don’t do that here

There is one this, a terror that we dare not speak of, and nobody dares mention its name. That abomination which haunts Avatar fans’ nightmares and keeps them awake at night, dreading the thought of it.

We don’t do that here

We can only muster the courage to say that we will never trust anything live-action ever again after how it betrayed and defiled us, and ruined our favorite show. Maybe Netflix will save us with a good live-action series, but we highly doubt it.

Here we go again

This isn’t looking very good for the Netflix Last Airbender, and this news doesn’t get our hopes up. We’re obviously very much torn on the idea of Netflix remaking The Last Airbender as a live-action series.

Here we go again

On the one hand, it could really be great and give us a new spin on the story, but with the news that the original show’s creators have left the project, we really started getting worried that we have another dud on our hands.

And you know it

The White Lotus is sneakily one of the most underrated concepts in the world of The Last Airbender. There’s something seriously cool about a secret society of the world’s most powerful people, who control things from behind the scenes and…

And you know it

Wait just a second, this is all starting to sound very familiar… is there a chance that the White Lotus is actually just a stand-in for another group of powerful people who control our world, and who also have Space Lasers?

Toph freaking rules

This is exactly what makes Toph far and away our favorite member of Team Avatar. Her dry sense of humor and wit just gets us every time, and she burst onto the scene with an energetic explosion that lifted the show to new heights.

Toph freaking rules

We can’t imagine the show without Toph, and lucky for us, we don’t have to, because we got our blind earth bender right here, and we just love her to death.

Avatar Logic

Don’t try and think too much about the fact that thousands of past Avatars are all living (in some form or another) inside the mind of a little boy.

Avatar Logic

How does that even work, we have no idea, but whenever the plot needs him to know something, you can bet that Aang can access all of the knowledge that the past Avatars had, and he’ll just magically know it. Call it what it is – lazy writing.

Selfish Azula

If Azula had an IG account, this is exactly what would be on it, and we’re not sure that there’s anything wrong with that since she is our favorite villain on the show (No, Zuko is not a villain, come at us).

Selfish Azula

But seriously, that’s some crazy level of sibling rivalry going on there between the Fire Lord’s children, we wonder what could have ever happened that led to this animosity. Guess we’ll never know.

Appa the GOAT

If we’ve ever needed a scientific reason to know why Avatar: The Last Airbender is such a good show, we need not look further than the Legend of Korra to see that was Korra took 5 different characters to tell, The Last Airbender accomplished using only Appa.

Appa the GOAT

It speaks to just how good a character Appa really is, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. So thank you for being the best Appa, we love you and your giant epicness.

The ultimate ideology

We know exactly where we’ll fit in if we’re ever looking for a group to join. Let’s hop on the hippie love tunnel bandwagon that will make us forget our troubles as we go through the love tunnel in the mountains.

The ultimate ideology

We think that we’d fit right in, and have no problem playing the banjo if need be. We can also get high as a kite, so that won’t be a problem either. In fact, we’re high right now.

Oh, stahp it

Relationships are a delicate thing. They can be beautiful while they last, and once and if they end, they can turn into quite the ugly affair. We’re glad that we’re neckbeards living in our mother’s basement and writing nonsense about random Avatar memes.

Oh, stahp it

We were never in a real relationship, so that way we never felt heartbreak. But seriously, it does get kind of lonely down here, and it’s not our fault that we showed up on r/nicegyuys more than once.

It’s funny because it’s true

This is exactly what makes Toph far and away our favorite member of Team Avatar. Her dry sense of humor and wit just gets us every time, so it was good to see her keeping with her old ways even when she’s grown up during flashbacks in Legend of Korra.

It’s funny because it’s true

Also, while we’re on the subject, it was a pretty funny joke, but too bad Sokka didn’t have a funny comeback ready, that would have been perfect.

OK, Bumi

We really loved King Bumi, and not just because of just how batpoop crazy he was, but also because he might be the best boomer to ever live. Think about it, when was the last time you met a boomer as cool as Bumi? Never.

OK, Bumi

The guy is pushing 100 and still chillin like it’s his roaring twenties. This is a boomer to our liking, and he does save his age group just a little bit in our minds.

Smooth flirting skills

We’re very glad that Aand descendants didn’t get the bad flirting skills from their forebearer, because that would have been one heck of an unfortunate situation.

Smooth flirting skills

As much as we love Aang, we have to admit that his flirting skills were not exactly on fleek, and it’s a wonder that he ever managed to get with Katara. As we can see, the young Airbenders of Legends of Korra are already much more skilled than he ever was.

‘You will’

We feel comfortable including this since the Venn diagram for Marvel fans and Avatar: The Last Airbender fans is pretty much just a circle. So much like Thanos took Vision away from Wanda, so did Team Avatar take… uhh… cabbages. From cabbage guy. Okay, that analogy kinda got away from us.

‘You will’

Nevertheless, the parallels continued as both characters ended up having the last laugh. Wanda went on to have WandaVision, where she was eventually able to break her self-made shackles, while cabbage guy created Cabbage Corp. And had a statue made of him. Okay, maybe they’re not the same at all.

Unreasonable expectations

Within 35 seconds of being introduced to Momo, we already firmly decided that if anything happened to him we’d take the lives of everyone around us, then ourselves. The little winged lemur is, as far as we know, the last of its kind, and it’s been known to carry out some pretty impressive feats.

Unreasonable expectations

He not only ran interference of Aang when he was in a bind, but also freed when she was tied up. All things being equal, then, we feel like maybe she could’ve cut him a little more slack with the whole water thing.

Where’s the ‘I’m not saying it’s aliens’ guy when you need him?

The only non-bender in a group of master benders, Sokka was nevertheless always counted on to be Team Avatar’s strategist. And hey, he fulfilled that role admirably! Well, most times. Okay, we’re possibly being overly critical here.

Where’s the ‘I’m not saying it’s aliens’ guy when you need him?

After all, the failure of Team Avatar and its allies to defeat the Fire Nation during the eclipse wasn’t strictly due to the plan not working – it’s just that Azula found out about it long before. Still, considering the other aspects of Sokka’s personality, it would be 100% on-brand for him to lay out the plan like they’re nerds trying to rush Area 51.

His solution to everything

During one in a seemingly never-ending series of catfights on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kim Richards suggested that Lisa Rinna should “have a piece of bread and maybe (she’ll) calm down.”

His solution to everything

Apart from being Team Rinna all the way, we got a serious kick out of this meme, which works just as perfectly with Iroh and a nice, piping hot mug of jasmine tea. The great thing is that you don’t even need to know who that’s being directed to – it could work with literally anyone.

Haha, just kidding, no one ever said that

We mean, are The Last Airbender fans even a thing that exists? If they are, washing our hands with soap like we’re trying to get the virus off is the least we would do after shaking hands with them.

Haha, just kidding, no one ever said that

Even if you had literally never seen one second of Avatar: The Last Airbender, we can’t see how anyone could enjoy M. Night Shyamalan’s adaptation. It’s not just the bad writing or the horrible casting debacle – it’s a deep misunderstanding of what the show is about. Oh, and that eye-scorching blue filter sure didn’t help.

Not initially impressive

While Aang begins The Last Airbender as a 112-year-old nincompoop with ADHD, he finishes it as a master who controls all four elements. Those early days, though?

Not initially impressive

Woof, let’s just say this Monsters, Inc. meme about Sully and Mike being impressed with Boo the toddler might just undersell it. Iroh and Zuko may have been impressed, but they’ll eventually find out themselves that despite his later years, Aang was basically making it up as he went along back then.

It’s her defining character trait

The cool thing about Team Avatar is that even putting aside their different bending mastery, their personalities mesh just as well. They complement one another beautifully – if Sokka is a wacky joker, Katara is more serious and straitlaced.

It’s her defining character trait

If Zuko is gravely serious, Toph is… Well, she’s a blind earthbending master, but she’s mostly known for two things. The first is claiming to be Melon Lord, and the second is running just so many grifts. Seriously, Toph is like Avatar’s version of Bernie Madoff, only perhaps somewhat more lovable.

There’s one in every family

The Fire Nation’s ruling family has produced some truly despicable people. There’s Sozin, who kicked off the Hundred Year War and just shanked all of the Air Nomads. Sozin’s son, Azulon, may have actually been worse. Not contending him with the war effort, he orchestrated some Game of Thrones-like family intrigue.

There’s one in every family

Finally, Azulon’s own son, Ozai, was probably the worst of the bunch, and came the closest to actually winning the war and obliterating everyone else. Then there’s Iroh, whose biggest vice might actually be liking tea too much. Man, Fire Nation family reunions sure were awkward.

Normie test

Let’s put it this way – if you show this meme to a loved one and they look at you with a blank expression and quietly admit, “I don’t get it”… you can’t be friends with them anymore. We don’t care how long you’ve known them. Just stop. You’re not friends anymore.

Normie test

Oh, you were related? Well, you can’t un-family someone… but if you could, we’d tell you to do that too. Our New Year’s resolution every single year since 2005 has been to cut people who don’t watch Avatar: The Last Airbender out of our lives. It’s been going pretty well.

It’s the hip new craze

Katara stans, stand up! She’s low-key one of our favorite characters on the whole show, and is legit one of the strongest of toughest of all the benders.

It’s the hip new craze

Heck, Azula is portrayed as a hardcore firebender, not to mention a cunning warrior, almost singlehandedly responsible for stopping Team Avatar’s invasion, and she gets her tail handed to her by Katara… who doesn’t even use her most powerful ability. Not that we’re complaining, mind you. The Puppetmaster, the episode that introduces bloodbending, still haunts our dreams today.

Tea dad’s feed is lit

If Twitter was a thing that existed in the Human Realm, we can absolutely see Iroh being on there all the time. It wouldn’t necessarily be a riveting follow, as most of his tweets would just be about how awesome tea is, but every so often he’d surprise you.

Tea dad’s feed is lit

Of course, the surprise might not necessarily be pleasant – talk of deceased sons is always a downer – but nevertheless. Looking at his history here, something must have been seriously wrong with the leaves he used to brew tea on July 30, because it made his disappear for a month and then come back with THAT.

That’s rough, buddy

The first thing that struck is here is that Sokka, a fictional character (as far as we know, anyway) has a verified account on Twitter. That’s… not how we expected the day to go. Nevertheless, it seems like he’s using his time to upload fan art of him talking about his girlfriend turning into the moon.

That’s rough, buddy

Look, we’re not trying to downplay the magnitude of Sokka and Yue’s love story here, but he’s a little like the guy who had a single interesting thing happen to him his entire life, so he just keeps repeating that anecdote over and over forever.

Bit of both

Much as we’re onboard with taking fast food joints for all they’ve got, we take exception with this particular meme. Zuko arguably has one of the most interesting and engaging characters arcs of anyone in The Last Airbender.

Bit of both

Starting off thoroughly broken, mentally if not physically, he slowly but surely heals himself by opening up to his new friends. Sure, he takes a stumble here and there, but that’s just part of growing up, isn’t it? Haha, we’re only kidding, he’s a hot mess that makes Paris Hilton look well-adjusted.

Got us right in the feels

There’s something somewhat ironic about the narrative this meme pushes, as the Fire Lord Ozai literally saved Zuko from downing in one Avatar episode. That having been said, the spirit of the thing is totally true.

Got us right in the feels

He did actually once tell Zuko that he was “lucky to be born,” not to mention the fact that Ozai tried to get rid of his first son the first chance he got. Meanwhile, Azula was having the time of her life being a sociopath. Well, they do say that the family that slays together, stays together.


Where our Koh the Face Stealer apologists at? If you’ve read the The Search trio of graphic novels, you already know Koh is something of a momma’s boy. Whereas he steals all of the faces like he’s Winona Ryder at Saks Fifth Avenue (that’s a reference people still get, right?), his mother – literally called Mother of Faces – is in charge of handing them out.


Quite the family business. Anyway, if you know how this meme is supposed to play out, with the final shot being the guy on the right looking shocked, it’s hilarious. If you don’t, well… Sorry for ruining it by explaining.

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